Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Technology Integration

Integrate Technology - don't just add it as an extra.

CiTi Library Media Center

The integration of technology is an important aspect of education.  The CiTi Library Media Center (LMC) provides access to technology & lessons on how to use the technology with students and how to integrate it into your classrooms.  This post will provide you with an overview of the different technologies that are available.

Google Expeditions

Google Expeditions is a virtual reality app for both Android and Apple products.  Google Expeditions allows you to take students on field trips to almost anywhere.  These trips are created and curated by experts in their fields of studies.  These expeditions provide 360 degree images of the area or topic and talking points to match.  The LMC has a Google Expedition Kit that has enough devices for 8 participants at a time.  This app can also be run on the iPads with no other devices needed  The LMC has an iPad cart available at both locations with 10 iPads.  The app is already installed and ready to use.

Google Expeditions can be lead by the teacher to introduce information & experiences that connect to the class topics.  Now let's flip this and have a student lead the expedition and allow students to lead the group and share what they have learned on the topic.  The great thing about this expeditions is that you are no longer looking at a flat image but a 360 degree image that allows you to see the context or setting of what you are studying.

  Please talk to your Library Media Specialist (LMS) to reserve your experience.  See the Google Blog post - Google Cardboard & Google Expeditions:  What I should know beforehand for additional information.

Overview of LMC Google Expedition Kit

Google Expedition Promotional Video


The LMS has several OSMO kits available to use with iPads.  OSMO kits provide opportunities for students to learn and explore on their own.  Students can work independently on the iPad while learning but the student has the fun and excitement of playing a game.  The CiTi Library has OSMO kits available that include: The base OSMO kit, Words, Tanagrams, Numbers, Newton, & Masterpiece. 

LMC OSMO Kits video

How to set up and run OSMO

There is a variety of ways that you can truly integrate OSMO into your classroom lessons.  Let's collaborate together and personalize the experience to what is being taught in your classroom.

  1.  Tanagrams - Arrange wooden puzzle pieces to match on-screen shapes. Animals, objects, humans and more. Play with a friend or challenge yourself to increasingly more difficult levels as your handiwork lights up with each victory.
  2. Numbers - Add, count and multiply the tiles to match the numbers on the bubbles. Popping enough bubbles will free the fish and unleash a storm of lightning and thunder! Big or small, even or odd, will you become the Numbers Master?
  3. Masterpiece - Unleash your inner artist! Pick an image from the camera, web or curated gallery and Masterpiece will transform it into easy-to-follow lines, helping you create beautiful drawings.
  4. Words - Guess and spell the on-screen image. Team up or compete in-person with friends or family to see who will get their letter in first! Download free content like trivia, geography or upload your own like family names. The possibilities are endless!  
  5. Newton - Newton works with any object or drawing – Mom’s keys, hand-drawn basket, even toys you already own. Simply place the object/drawing in front of the screen and manipulate it to guide the falling balls into the target zones.
      The following are not yet part of the Library collection but speak with your Library Media Specialist about where you can borrow a kit from.
  1. Monster - Bring your drawings to life! Each item you draw for Mo will be magically pulled into his world. Together create animated activities to share with family and friends.  
  2. Coding - Osmo Coding uses hands-on physical blocks to control Awbie, a playful character who loves delicious strawberries. Each block is a coding command that directs Awbie on a wondrous tree-shaking, strawberry-munching adventure.

Media Enhanced Books

          Media Enhanced Books (AV2) are books that offer additional content above and beyond what is in the printed book.  There is no sign up required and the content will never disappear.  You need to have a copy of the book (available through CiTi Library) and web access.  Inside the book there is a page with the website address and the access code you will enter.  These materials can be used by the student, teacher or whole class.  These include auidos, videos, links, whiteboard, printable sheets, quizzes and other worksheets.  Each page of the book offers some type of Media that connects to the reading on that page.  This expands the readers knowledge and interest in the topics.  The CiTi library currently has 41 books in this series available.  Search the Library Catalog using "AV2" to see the complete list of titles available at

Library Media Center - NYSCATE 2016 Grant Monkey Bot Sphero Sparks Ideas

The Library Media Center received a gran from NYSCATE to promote the integration of technology into classroom lesson.  This grant was used to purchase Code Monkey full access for a year, Blue Bot Hive with Tactile Reader, and Cubelets for the library.  School Library Services provided a large set of Little Bits to add to the program.  Contact your LMC for more information and borrowing these items.

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